logo  Tatonka Planner
The Tatonka Planner is a browser-based time management app designed specifically for college students who want to achieve academic excellence while enjoying the peace of mind and confidence that comes with good planning!   Our technology is layered upon the popular and free Google Calendar™ service which is used by millions of students around the world.  With Tatonka, students can transform complex assignments into plans  and then automatically schedule the various steps  of each plan as events  in their calendars, knowing within seconds if their plans are good!
We offer the Tatonka Planner as a subscription service at  $ 20  per year.
We accept a variety of popular cryptocurrencies as payment.
© 2024  Tatonka Planner, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Google Calendar is a registered
trademark of Google, LLC.
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About us...
We are a small group of "digital nomads" with a company located in a
beautiful town east the Bighorn Mountains of northern Wyoming.

Tatonka Planner, LLC
Sheridan, Wyoming
The Tatonka Planner is a browser-based time management application designed for college students who want to achieve academic excellence while enjoying the peace of mind and confidence that comes with great planning!
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